“The Entangled Life,” a group show presented by Fondation LAccolade and the Institut de France from November 17 to 30, 2022, is a phenomenal alliance between the Foundation’s creator, Catherine Dobler, and curator Christopher Yggdre.
The title of the season and the show comes from Merlin Sheldrake’s book on mycelia and fungi. Using a detailed understanding of the fungal kingdom, the author paints a portrait of organisms that are sociable and connected, fibers weaving life into a single, selfsame weft. The title of the season and the show comes from Merlin Sheldrake’s book on mycelia and fungi. Using a detailed understanding of the fungal kingdom, the author paints a portrait of organisms that are sociable and connected, fibers weaving life into a single, selfsame weft.
No comprehension of life is possible without conceiving it as an entanglement, an intertwining, a mesh. These notions oppose that of separation. To create connections with life is to interlace that which has been unlaced, neglected; it is to argue that entanglement is the architecture of life in all its scope and diversity; it is to accept being part of a mesh with non-humans and all the elements of nature.
Fondation Laccolade
Curator: Christopher Yggdre
Curatorial assistance and mediation: Fabiha Hyatt
Texts : @fondationlaccolade, @christopheryggdre
With the artists:
ÉLISE PEROI – www.eliseperoi.com
LAURA BARTIER – https://rdv-diplome.ensad.fr/laura-bartier
LUZ MORENO PINART – https://luzmorenopinart.com
FIBRA (collective) – https://fibracolectivo.com
Gianine Tabja – https://gianinetabja.com
Gabriela Flores del Pozo – http://www.gabrielafloresdelpozo.com
Lucia Monge Manifesto – https://www.plantonmovil.org
JANAIA MELLO LANDINI – https://www.mellolandini.com
BRANKICA ZILOVIC CHAUVAIN – www.brankicazilovic.com
AMY GROSS – www.amygross.com/
LES MATRIBIOTES (collective)
Charlotte Gautier Van Tour – https://charlottegautiervantour.fr
Luz Moreno Pinart – http://luzmorenopinart.com/les-matribiotes
ELODIE ANTOINE – www.elodieantoine.be
© wilde 2022
lorent Mabilat is the space’s caretaker.
After some initial forays into the music scene and then the theatre, several experiments in collective creation, and a period of drawing and working with color, an encounter with some old olive trees in Italian Apulia pointed him in the direction of painting.
He collaborates regularly with musicians, dancers, actors, authors, photographers, videographers…